
The Writer’s Statement



Coming from an African background in Sierra Leone, I remember hearing stories about fairies and even knew of a mascaraed, named after fairies. In Ireland, where I now live, strangely enough, there are many similarities between the Irish and African cultures. One, in particular, is their belief in fairies.

The story employs some reasonable suggestions about fairy existence. It touches on their mystery, daintiness, the intense power they can have over our imagination, and why they hide from humans. Well, depending they exist, of course. Will one believe it if told of a fairy sighting, without any hard evidence? I guess not. But the perception of fairies is still preserved through storytelling.

I came across a plethora of related articles and even some mummified fairy images on the internet, during my research, which was inspiring, thought-provoking and helpful for this project.

The theme for this project is based on the concept of fairies - do they exist, or is it just a myth? add to that an African scenery.

Back in the 15th century, Africa's life and culture were well preserved and not fully explored by the outside world. It was a jungle no one dared to enter- a lush forest, rich in natural minerals with free-flowing rivers and close-knit villages – A place well suited for fairy life.

What if in that time, long ago, humans and fairies lived hand in hand? But then one day something happened that changed it all for good and thus creating the myth we know now!

This scenario became the premise for my Animation movie project, Mayennie!
The project enlightens on the subject of fairies and their existence. A fairy theme in an African backdrop brings a fresh take on the fairy tale, fantasy genre.

I have written the script for an animation project. However, it is adaptable for a live-action or a live-action with animated visual effects!

I hope you enjoy reading my script as much as I had pleasure writing it. And I hope you will find the movie just as pleasing!

Thank you!

Patricia Clarkson

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